An essential component of our effort is a comprehensive, coordinated strategy that engages the organization and encourages collaboration. In today’s era we need this aspect in way better than it has been any time else in the past. It’s no coincidence that during that time, the world has changed significantly. The industrial revolution, motorcars, trains, the telephone, the internal combustion engine, photography and electricity. The list goes on (and on and on)! This shot of ingenuity and creativity would not have been possible had it not been for all the learning, comprehensive development and collaboration we have done as a species during this time.
It is at this juncture of transformation that we are eagerly waiting and ever ready to collaborate for “The future is Here” and creating a values-based culture to build Employer Brand through our unique “Konnect Model”.
Karizma Konnect Model
Karizma Konnect is a next generation knowledge services firm.

Education Resources
Educators and Trainers
Guest Speakers
Coaches & Mentors

Resource Management (Empanelled service providers Security, Administration and HR services)

Industry Know How
Best practices and benchmarking

Futuristic Alignment
Cost effective, Strategic solutions, Analytical approach, Improves productivity

Customized Solutions
Performance Management System, L&D, Talent Acquisition
The pathway to konnect

Human Resources
Human resources management is a very important function in a way that it effectively recruits and retains employees, improves and enhances the organization, and thereby is able to maintain a healthy, accepting workplace culture and environment. Human resources management is so important to organizations that it is called the heart and soul of a business.
In today’s time frame where Business and Society are ever changing and evolving, we enable Organization to be future ready at both strategic and at operational service delivery level. Knowing and working towards the future need of the organization is an essential business partnering model in which maintaining and cultivating relationships is an integral part of us. Read More
Administration Management involves responsibility for economical and effective planning & regulation of operation of an enterprise in the fulfillment of given purposes. It is a dynamic process consisting of various elements and activities. It is best defined as the unification, integration, synchronization of the efforts of group members so as to provide unity of action in the pursuit of common goals.
We develop and lay down fundamental framework of an organization, which includes the formation of plans, policies, and procedures, setting up of goals and objectives, enforcing rules and regulations, etc Read More

Security management
We identify and effectively mitigates or manages, at an early stage, any developments that may threaten the resilience and continued survival of a corporation. We develop a function that oversees and manages the close coordination of all functions within the company that are concerned with security, continuity and safety.
The power and legitimacy of our processes does not come from its expert knowledge, but from its business acumen, people skills, management ability and communication expertise.
We “Konnect” to provide uniquely designed and customized security solutions for protection and facilitation of all kinds of clientele. Read More